KM Partners successfully defended a number of the court cases related to numerous attempts of the raid on the hotel within the last several years

Due to the work of KM Partners lawyers all five initial court decisions are delivered in favor of the client (dismissal of a claim, leaving claim without consideration or termination of proceeding) within 2011-2015. In one of the cases which was successfully completed earlier the measures of providing the claim (a prohibition to make changes to the constituent documents) were cancelled in January of 2016. In August of 2015 one more court case on recognition of the hotel building ownership interest was initiated, which was successfully delivered in favor of the client in October, 2016 (the complaint of appeal wasn’t filled for the decision). In December of 2016 two more claims were filled. We won both of those cases in all courts which have resolved them as of today.


client: Ukrainian subsidiary of the world-famous hotel company