Alexander Minin took part in the Second All-Ukrainian Judicial Debates on the Tax Law of Ukraine

November 2, 2015

WTS Consulting/ KM Partners became a partner of II All-Ukrainian Judicial Debate on the Tax Law, which took place on October 31 – November 1, 2015 at the National State Tax Service University of Ukraine. Debate was organized by Kyiv Regional Branch of UBA Students League in Irpin city.

Senior Partner, Attorney of WTS Consulting/ KM Partners Alexander Minin participated as an expert of judicial panel.


During the event Alexander Minin gave a master class for students under the topic “General problems of local taxes”. In particular, he analyzed non-residential property tax and land tax. Special attention was paid to the issue of the legality of transport tax as local due to absence of statutory minimum tax rate. Alexander Minin provided examples from judicial practice for each of the considered taxes and revealed the formula of successful representation in court.

When analyzing tax legislation, Alexander pointed out that he stands for reasonable collection of taxes. According to folk wisdom, the state shall collect taxes on the principle of the golden mean, “not to cross the line” in order to improve relationships between the state and the taxpayers.

After Debate being finished, UBA Students League expressed gratitude to the experts for their participation in the event, for fair trial as well as interesting and practical advices given to students from all over of Ukraine.

Kind regards,

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