April 9, 2019
The VI international conference on «Transfer pricing: overcoming risks», organized by the State Enterprise «Derzhzovnishinform», was held on March 27, 2019.
Ivan Shynkarenko, Partner at has been invited to deliver a speech to the participants of event for the fourth time. This time he talked about support of inspections and disputes on the TP, in particular about the specificity of the procedural matters of the TP, disputes on the methods and rules of the TP. Ivan paid considerable attention to the argumentation and possible line of protection of taxpayers in disputes and inspections on the TP, having considered in detail applying of additional analysis of the TP in price confirmation, proving unlawful/wrong conclusions of the Audit Act and unlawfulness of the fiscal authority actions with specific examples.
Presentation with Ivan Shynkarenko speech is available by the link.