Ivan Shynkarenko participated in the round table on transfer pricing issues

March 01, 2018

The round table on “Transfer pricing 2018: review of changes and urgent issues. (Expert discussion)” was held on February 28, 2018 within the Council of the Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry for Foreign Economic Activity and the Tax Committee of the Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Ivan Shynkarenko, Ph.D. in Economics, Partner, Head of Customs Law and Transfer Pricing Practice at , delivered report on “Positions of taxpayers and tax authority in TP disputes”. Ivan focused on key aspects of the first decision of the first instance court in TP dispute in Ukraine regarding the application of the net margin method. Ivan also participated in the discussion with representative of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine on the procedure for self-adjustment of tax liabilities with application of the updated rules of Art. 39 of the Tax Code of Ukraine.