December 13, 2016
On December 7-9, experts of held series of seminars for clients on “Recent trends, tax risks, court practice concerning: 1) requalification of relations in actually labor (including trade teams) and 2) promotion of goods, provision of discounts and bonuses”.
Thematically, the seminars consisted of two parts. In the first part the topical issues related to recognition of relations actually labor were discussed. The experts of analyzed recent trends of audits by the controlling authorities, possible negative effects of requalification of relations in actually labor. The special attention was paid to the grounds of the “hidden” labor relations by “eyes” of the tax authority and courts, as well as to the practice of the European countries on this matter.
In the second part the speakers analyzed in detail the ways of relations structuring and recent trends of the court practice. The experts also highlighted a number of important cases on the features concerning documenting of provision of services, discounts, bonuses and risks as well as their appropriate clearance.