April 25, 2017
The VIII All-Ukrainian personnel meeting organized by the Spravochnik kadrovika publication was held on April 21, 2017. There were HR managers of the leading companies, representatives of authorities, attorneys at law who discussed topical issues of labor law and amendments to the labor legislation.
The Senior Adviser, Attorney at Law of Tetiana Suchyk considered the topical issues related to the recognition of the relations actually labor. Attorney at Law designated the possible negative consequences of requalification of relations with entrepreneurs in labor. She noted that there is tendency of the increased attention of the fiscal service authorities to relations with entrepreneurs in the context of the features’ identification of the “hidden” labor relations. Also, it is worth being ready to the audits and penalties by the State Labor Service for not registration of employees. Attorney at Law paid special attention to the practical advice for the purpose of risks minimization of requalification of relations in labor.