December 06, 2017
The TOP FORUM UKRAINE international conference was held on December 04, 2017 and gathered the leading experts in the field of international investment and taxation, audit and finance, assets management etc.
Alexander Minin, Senior Partner at , participated in the discussion, where the issues of global deoffshorization, new rules for business and the necessary steps for attracting investments in Ukraine were discussed.
In particular, Alexander told about challenges that Ukraine faces entering the era of digital technologies. He outlined controversial place of our state in this era, where in particular issues (for instance, the VAT administration system) we are ahead of the whole planet, but are behind the implementation of other important regulations that already operate in the EU for a long time. Ukraine is not ready to respond to the mentioned challenges, in particular, in respect of the inconsiderate taxation system, Mr. Minin believes.
The Senior Partner also expressed his idea of the direction of Ukraine in the context of the discussed issues. Mr. Minin considers that development will occur by the empirical method, namely by applying taxes that will show the best results in practice. At the same time, Alexander noted that Ukraine needs to change faster than the world, and to offer completely new technologies for attracting investments.